The latest issue of DWM (the cover of which can be seen in the previous post) has exclusively revealed three episode titles for Series Five! The first episode is called 'The Eleventh Hour,' episode two is called 'The Beast Below,' and episode three is called, 'Victory of the Daleks.' These sound really great, but the second episode reminds me a little of the Satan Pit...
Issue 418 DWM is out tomorrow. Thanks to WhovianNet for this information!
I'm surprised there hasnt been a "Victory of the Daleks" yet. Such an obvious title. Cool titles :D getting DWM tomorrow
Awesome titles! I'm quite impressed by "The Eleventh Hour" both Eleven's introduction and a down to the wire conflict!
The others are awesome too.
The Beast Below made me think of the Satin Pit too Becky :P
They sound great though, cannot wait!
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