You returned to film some scenes for Tennant's final Doctor Who outing. How was that?
"It was weird because I didn't have a full script and I had to do it in three hours. It was after filming Secret Diary in the day and it was too short! I didn't know anything about the story. I wish I'd been there for the whole episode - but that would have been a bit tedious!"
Did you get emotional knowing David would be leaving?
"Yes, I hate it that he's left! But then I know Matt Smith really well and I love him and I think he's such a brilliant actor. The role couldn't have gone to a better guy. He's capable of that. He's got big shoes to fill, but I'm certain he can do it."
What did you think when you watched David's final episodes back?
"Do you know, I haven't seen it yet! I went away for Christmas and New Year so it would have been a bit weird trying to sly off and watch an episode of Doctor Who on my own! I definitely will though. Was it good? Did you cry?"
We cried our eyes out! Is there room for Rose to return at a later date?
"I think it's done now, isn't it? I think that ship has sailed. That old, wooden ship! I really loved doing it, but Doctor Who has moved on - it's different people, different crew, different production team and I can't keep going back. It's ridiculous! It's time to move on..."
I agree with her; it's time for new companions!
I agree, I love Rose, but not after Series Two. Billie Piper looks...different.
Am I the only person who thinks she looks like she's on hard drugs (I know she's not, I'm not acussing anyone)?
Haha! Well... she did look a bit dazed, in my opinion, but maybe that's just being in David Tennant's presence.
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