Comments are set on private so you can't steal answers. Try not to cheat and Google it, the Doctor wouldn't be too impressed. OK, the first question (the answer and second question will be revealed tomorrow!):
How many DVDs does Sally Sparrow own?
I know it doesn't require much brainpower, but hey. There you go... If you feel like it, go on and enter.
17 dvd's :)
17 :D
17 DVD's
17, isn't it?
Seventeeeeen. :)
sally owns 27 or 26 ? dvds
It was 17 right?
seventeen DVD's
12 dvds
17! :D
i THINK the answer is 7
Btw, Sorry about the Delay for my story, been a bit hectic, one of my friend got stabbed, so that messed things up, but i'll email it you soon!
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