The episode managed 6.7 million viewers in total, which is a slight dip, but this is hopefully because of the sunny weather and the football on the other channels.
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It was ok, personally I found it to be very confusing and 'iffy'. Not my favorite story...
I thought it was a good story, and I now officially approve of Amy! Great post :)
I personally thought it was a good episode.not what i thought it would be like but still it was great to see the 11th doctor and amy together and i loved the way how the ending tied into next weeks episode:D
Also Harry Potter was on itv 1 at the same time.that could be the other reason y there was only 6.7 million watching:)
I love how Stephens scripts are so far-fetched and imaginative, this one was pretty good, one question, who and what are the smilers?
and Harry Potter WASN'T on at the same time, it came on at 7PM when Doctor Who finished :)
Maybe we'll learn more about the Smilers in a future episode :) That'd be good.
it was abit packed the episode, where did that vid recording of amy come from? but i still enjoyed it. i think next weeks will be a good one, we will see the new doctor against an old enemy...hopefully we will see what matts doctor is like with the daleks =)
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