I want to hear you theories as to what will cause him to change. A Dalek extermination, or maybe death by the Master? Post your comments!
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Nice post :) I'm assuming death by the Master :D
Miss Gallifrey
The Bad Wolf TV
Something big, very big. Have you heard that Rose may make a cameo appearance :). The graphic is ace.
I have a strong feeling that it won't be a death because of one of his enemies. It may be something like:
~he has to do it to save someone
~has to do it otherwise the world will end etc.
If it is a monster or villain, then whoever did it would be considered as 'the one who defeated the Doctor'. This will make people think that that monster is the best, which is probably not what the writers want.
Anyone agree?
You know, the whole TARDIS is going to be blown up, at least its inside... Who knows. On the other hand I think this will be Donna's last appearance, and I'm pretty sure about this... Maybe he'll try to save her, and fail... or whatever.
im wondering if the master threatens the doctor by hurting him through his companions...especially donna, who would burn up if she remembered him and so in a final attempt to save her from remembering he has to regenerate to change his appearence as she would never remember him with a new face that has no link to reminding her...if you get me?
cool post I'm assuming death to the Master i think a lot of poeple are thinking that
Yay you used avatars from the Proc! I think it might be some sort of sacrifice for someone like Donna or even the Master!
Will and Seb
The Proc
Yes, I think something to do with the master too. Maybe The Doctor's life is as risk, and he has no other option but to regenrate? Rose there to witness it, or the master has somthing to do with Rose getting there?
I'm guessing a MAJOR paradox takes place, and in the process of fixing it, the Doctor is hurt bad enough to regenerate...
Would love it if Wilf was with him when this happens.
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