There are lots of people who visit this site regularly and keep it going, but I'd like to thank these people especially for all their encouragement and kindness: Will, Sylar (Rob), Miss Gallifrey, Ro, Meg, MDWM, DWMO (Kyle), thedoctorwho07... argh, there are so many that I can't remember! I'm sorry if I forgot you, but you are still greatly appreciated!
Also, special thanks again to Meg from Laser-Screwdriver, she made the fantastic banner above. I received many great entries, but I think the ball bearings on the cake won it...
Let's just now hope that the site can last another year!
Happy Birthday Beccala! Yay I got mentioned first! Ha all you lot! :P
Will and Seb
The Proc
Cullen and Swan
Happy Birthday TOCS!!!! I'm so glad to see a proper site which has actually stayed open for a whole year, with the same name, web host, etc. It's just so brilliantly amazing! Congrats! And happy first birthday!!! \ :D /
P.S - Will, second's always the best! :P
Happy Birthday! It's really hard to believe that a WHOLE 365 days has passed! I wish the best from me and TBWT,
Miss Gallifrey
Congratulations on achieving a whole year online! This site has improved so much over the year it's been running and it has become soooo popular! I love this site, the posts, the layout, the pages, the atmosphere, it's all fantastic! I've been making sites for quite a while now (For about two years, theres been so many...) and I've never got to the one year mark. Well done you! I wish TOCS all the best for the future and hope the site grows even more popular. I hope to speak to you soon,
The Gallifrey Vortex
Happy Birthday! Thanks for the mention and for making my entry the winning one! :D Lets keep it going for another year! WELL DONE TOCS! =)
Becky, I wish you all the best for the next 365 days and beyond! Keep up the good work :)
And the banner is fantastic! Well done to Meg :D
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