It doesn't look very good for everyone involved...
What did you think of this episode? As you can tell, I absolutely loved it. How about you?
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OMG! It was amazing!! Donna remembered, the timelords are back, and the whole of the human race is the master. AHHHH! The most agonising cliff hanger ever! But, THE TIMELORDS ARE BACK! I'm speachless, its too good to be true! AAAHHH! New Year come quick!!!!
David Tennant is going to go on the biggist high ever!!!!! He said people will die! Die???? and its going to be really emotional! I just have no idea what will happen! Whatever it is, it will be amazing!
Although I so don't wan't David to leave, I'm quite looking forward to seeing the regeneration. It'll be quite exciting! AHHHHH! Its all soooooo good! I gonna miss Russel T Davies as well! Everyone thinks about the episode, but actually he wrote it, how he comes up with so many ideas is just amazing! This is turning into a sort of tribute to the end of David and Russel. :)
that ending, omg. that was nuts.
OMG. I completely adore David Tennant. That scene with Wilf in the cafe, I cried my eyes out, so sad. I'm not ready for him to leave just yet.
Also,I just watched the sneak peek for next week. Is it just me, or does that glove that Timothy Dalton is wearing look a lot like the one(s) from Torchwood?
if everyones the master does that mean luke and sarah jane ere? and what about captain jack? if the master needs to keep eating people just lock him up with captain jack and let him eat him! he will just keep coming back =)
'Anonymous,' I was completely the same. Nearly crying my eyes out... just imagine next week! And I didn't notice the glove... o_0
And that's a good point, Jack. I thought that too.
Very interesting! James Bond is the Lord President of the Time Lords who have been hiding in the dark spaces and now have a seemingly sinister agenda. They always seemed a little dark and mysterious. Anyhoo, if anyone can sort out the Master it's the Time Lords. And if they all pop down to Earth in their TARDISes then they'd better make sure the Master doesn't pinch one...
Maybe all the people who were former companions of the Doctor are protected by the Subwave network still?
And as for poor Donna does Dalek Caan's prophecy still stand...?
It was strangely fantastic. Roll on the New Year! :D
Hope you all had a good Christmas :D
That is a very good point! Maybe Dalek Caan's prophecy does still stand! AWWWWW...Donna's my favourite companion! But there hasn't been any sign of Rose, Captain Jack and Sarah Jane (All were saw filming)
It was a really good episode, and I can/can't wait for The End of Time Part Two!!!
Will and Seb's Blog
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