He said to DigitalSpy: “Jack will always return to the TARDIS if the Doctor’s in need - to help save the planet or conquer an alien race trying to invade... That’s all I can say! You know how secretive we are about all of that.”
Would you like Jack to return? Or would there be just too much of him on our screens, considering Torchwood is returning soon for its 5 part special? Thanks to WhovianNet for the news!
I'd love to see John Barrowman back, but does everyone have to return!?
It certainly seems that way!
as i keep saying, jack knows about regeneration, he is the natural choice of person to have close!
The Doctor would love to have him close... :P
Will and Seb
The Proc
Primatech Paper
Part of me is thinking "Yay! Jack's back!" and another part is thinking "Why do things from the past have to be brought back all the time??"
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