A picture has been leaked of the Doctor kissing Lady Christina de Souza from tomorrow's episode Planet of the Dead. Hmph. It seems the Doctor has to kiss every female he meets at the moment (well, nearly every female. Luckily not people like Margaret Blaine or Harriet Jones...) including Rose, Reinette, Martha, Donna, Astrid... even Jackie! (sort of...) Perhaps he's just making the most of his good looks before he regenerates (no offence to Matt Smith...)

Another one?!
I wonder if this was another suggestion from David Tennant? :P
He did suggest the one with Astrid..
Control your rage Becky! He was probably forced into it! It's not his fault! And who can really blame him for snogging every nice lady in sight? Lol about Margaret Blaine!
Can't be bothered to type my sites
Look at it the other way, it'd be great kissing MIchelle Ryan! roflol
It happens to them all in the end. I wonder why he does with Michelle though?
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