There has been literally no important news today, so I decided to tell you about our site's brand new feature Submit Your Story.
If you're the type of person who always writes Doctor Who fan stories or constantly imagines up plot lines then this is the competition for you! All you have to do is head over to the Submit Your Story page by following this link here! This is a great opportunity for you to get your stories heard! Enter now!
I've also begun work on Via The Void issue 4, and tomorrow the Caption Competiton and The Doctor's Adventures pages will be updated, along with a brand new special poll. Come back to see the updates!
This is the brand new trailer featuring Davros. He says:
The ending approaches. People, planets and stars will become dust, the dust will become atoms and the atoms will become, nothing. This is my ultimate victory, for destruction of reality itself!
Just a few new photos with the Tylers and the Doctor. What I can't figure out is what is up with Jackie's face?! Is she trying to scare away the Daleks or something?
I have begun working on Via The Void issue 4, which is due to be released on Monday 14th July. The cover is above.
Also, the countdown begins for tonight's episode! I don't think I have ever been more excited in my whole life! It's going to be fantastic! Come here at 8pm after the episode to discuss about it.
NEW FEATURE: Submit your Story - love writing fan fictions? Why not Submit your Story? For more information, go here!
I got the latest issue of DWM, and I thought I'd do a round up of what was in it so you can decide if you wanna buy it. Also, there's some news from the magazine.
Journey's End will be 65 minutes long, not 60 minutes! This means it will be the longest running episode since Doctor Who first came back to our screens! Yay!
Talks are going on about whether a preview of the Christmas Special will be shown at the end of Journey's End instead of just the title. We'll just have to wait and see though!!
And that's about it. Here's what was in it:
Production Notes with Steven Moffat discussing his new job as head writer of Doctor Who.
News in the Gallifrey Guardian, including an episode preview of the finale.
DVD preview of 'The Brain of Morbius'
Audio review of 'The Boy that Time Forgot'
Galaxy Forum (or letters, in simple words)
John Barrowman interview
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead feature
'The Widows Curse Part 3' comic
You Are Not Alone
The Time Team - The Trial of a Time Lord
'Decisions, Decisions' feature about Turn Left
'Dark Sky' feature about Midnight
The DWM Review
'Who on Earth Is...' with Elisabeth Sladen
NEXT TIME: Coverage on the amazing finale!
Now, hopefully, you can decide whether you want to buy it or not.
The brand new, latest issue of DWM is out today. Sadly, I haven't been able to get it but I will have it by the end of tomorrow so the details and news will be posted tomorrow.
Site News: Soon, the site is going to be having a brand new look! It will be after the final episode, Journey's End, and the site will look better than ever!
Another AMAZING video has been released, but this one is definitely the best one by far! It shows Sarah Jane, Luke, Captain Jack, Gwen, Ianto, Martha and Rose hear the frightening battle cry of the Daleks once again...
The reunion of the Doctor and Rose has been declared as Radio Times' moment of the week, and quite right too! I absolutely can not wait to see it! Roll on Saturday!
The BBC have revealed that the final episode Journey's End will be an amazing 60 minutes long! That means we get a whole hour jam packed with what is likely to be lots of sadness, lots of companions and rather a lot of exterminations! Yay!
This is a brand new trailer promoting the return of the Daleks! It has also been revealed that a special, longer trailer will be shown tonight at 6.58pm on BBC Two! Don't miss it!
Also, we have a brand new game called The Prophecy Game. To see it go here!
I have made screencaps for the next time trailer. Most of them are in the gallery, but here are the best ones:
Davros' hand?
Harriet Jones
Dalek spaceships!
Oooh... Gwen and Ianto give it their all!
What really interested me was that a Dalek was laughing at one point in the trailer... Has Davros been messing with emotions? To see other screencaps, click here!
Yes, after what feels like YEARS of waiting, Billie Piper is returning to our screens tonight to reprise her role as Rose Tyler. 'Turn Left' will be a Doctor-lite episode and Donna will meet the mysterious blonde who we all know so well, but can they work together to stop the darkness?
The episode is on at 6.40pm. Only a few hours left! Got anything to say about Rose? Tell us here!
Also, the synopsis for Journey's End has been revealed, and it actually confirms the return of Davros!
Journey's End
The entire universe is in danger as the Daleks activate their masterplan. The Doctor is helpless, and even the Tardis faces destruction. The only hope lies with the Doctor's secret army of companions – but as they join forces to battle Davros himself, the prophecy declares that one of them will die.
But who will die?!?!? Argggh, so many unanswered questions!
A brand new Turn Left video has been revealed and here are some screencaps. Sorry for the poor quality, the video wasn't very good. There's a basic guide to what happens as well.
It begins with a group of people and Donna running towards them. Police are saying, "Stay back."
The police then say, "Keep away from the river."
Donna walks behind a UNIT vehicle and listens to an officer having a conversation via walkie talkie.
The man says, "There's evidence to say he stopped the creature. Some sort of red spider (Racnoss!) He then says about the Doctor "flooding the whole thing." It seems like this is a repeat or flashback of when the Doctor flooded out the Racnoss.
They talk about the body, saying he "didn't make it out in time." An arm then appears from under the body bag and it appears to be the Doctor's. He drops the sonic screwdriver on the floor.
The UNIT officer says, "The Doctor is dead. Must have happened too fast for him to regenrate." (It seems they may know about his TimeLord abilities)
The officer tells the ambulance drivers to transport the body back to the UNIT base. (Rose will probably be there and see the Doctor)
It then shows Donna walking away, she looks disturbed.
This whole scene looks like it takes place where we first saw Rose during 'Partners in Crime,' but just what is going on?
The BBC have also updated their website, look there now for exclusive Turn Left goodies.
The brand new cover for the S4 Volume 3 boxset has been released, and there it is above. Nice, eh?
Also, here's a summary of some memorable quotes from Radio Times, which I bought today:
"Just wait till you see his face (the Doctor) when he claps eyes on her again (Rose). She was always very special to him, but I don't think he realises how much until he learns of her return."
"That conversation on Bad Wolf Bay has yet to be resolved, but it's by no means forgotten."
(RTD on Donna's 'defining scene') : "For me, it's in this weeks episode, Turn Left, when Donna returns to the circle of mirrors. It's the most blazing performance from Catherine, so full of fear and hope and bravery. It's just about my favourite performance in anything I've ever done. Even then, it's small fry compared to what she does in the final episode..."
Interesting... also, I've added a new page called The Doctor's Adventures, and I'm working on some Merchandise, Bad Wolf, Torchwood and Mr Saxon pages. All coming soon...
OK, so it turns out I can update after all. Oh well! Anyway, the latest issue of Radio Times, out tomorrow, has a Doctor Who feature where Russell T Davies talks about the Doctor's women, which will undoubtedly be focused on Rose's return. The issue is out tomorrow in all good newsagents for £1.05.
Also, although Sunday nights are usually boring for TV, last night I tuned into '50 ways to leave your TV lover' on Sky One, and I was surprised to find that the Doctor and Rose's split was voted number 1! Again, I was crying at the heartbreaking separation but at the same time, I was glad it was voted top. If you missed the show, or want to see it again it is repeated this Saturday (21st) at 9pm.
Was anyone else screaming, "TURN AROUND!!!" when Rose appeared on the screen yesterday? I was so annoyed but surprised at the same time. Anyway, back on the subject in hand, there hasn't been much news today, so I updated the site. There is:
- A brand new poll - The results for the old poll - Quotes from 'The End of the World' - Issue 3 of Via The Void
About Via The Void, I won't be able to update tomorrow because of various pieces of school work *sighs* so I had to upload it today. Please give your thoughts! You can see the issue here! You have to click on the pictures a few times to enlarge them. Some of the last pages have gone in a weird order, but they're still readable. Enjoy.
UPDATE I also managed to capture another picture of the bug thing. What do you think?
So, episode 10 'Midnight' has just been shown, but did you enjoy this Donna-lite episode? Not only was the episode fab, but there was a great next-time trailer, including the one and only, Rose!! You can see the trailer over on the right. In the mean time, get discussing!
Trailer OK, so the trailer looked very interesting, but just what did we find out?
The Doctor is "dead." He is seen covered up and his screwdriver rolls out of his hand.
Donna says, "How can anything be worse than this?" This implies things are pretty bad.
Rose runs saying, "What happened, what did they find?"
Wilf says that the stars are going out.
A strange noise is heard and something seems to be approaching Donna. (a spider?)
A woman says to Donna, "there is something on your back!" Donna is then seen looking in a mirror, panicking.
Donna is being ordered to turn around and show her back. When she does, the UNIT officer looks a bit shocked.
Rose said, "I've been pulled across from another universe because every single universe is in danger."
Rose said to someone (possibly Donna) "None of this was meant to happen, you're gonna die."
An explosion is seen, perhaps to do with UNIT or the enemies (Daleks/Davros)
Donna is then surrounded by bright lights perhaps to try and discover what is on her back.
Two AMAZING new pictures have hit the internet of some characters (well, I say characters....) who will be appearing in this years finale. To see them, go here! Believe me, it is something you really should see!!
Two new images of Rose with the TARDIS have been released. Apart from the fact that these images CONTAIN ROSE, another interesting thing is the TARDIS... it appears to have something on it... what do you think? To enlarge the images, click on them.
So finally, the episode 12 title has been revealed, and here it is, plus the synopsis:
4.12: The Stolen Earth
Earth's greatest heroes assemble in a time of dire need, in tonight's penultimate episode in this series of Russell T Davies's Bafta Award-winning time-travelling drama. But can the Doctor's secret army defeat the might of the new Dalek Empire?
With battles on the streets and in the skies, the Doctor and Donna must brave the Shadow Proclamation to find out the truth. However, a fearsome old enemy waits in the shadows...
David Tennant plays the Doctor and Catherine Tate plays his companion, Donna Noble.
Blimey. It's surprising just how Doomsday still makes me cry, even though I know Rose is returning! I just watched it for the new Rose Returns page, and my eyes are full of tears. Anyway, back to the subject in matter...
The BBC have updated their website ready for this week's episode, Midnight. There are new wallpapers, puzzles and the usual fear forecast. And, remember, after this week's episode, the trailer for Turn Left will be shown... and that episode includes the comeback of a certain companion...
I'm sorry this isn't really important news, but I wanted to update with SOMETHING.
THEORIES: I just wanted to add this because I thought it was great, well done to the person who left this thought on my S4 Rumours/Story Arcs page. RIVER SONG IS AN ANAGRAM OF ROSE V RING. IN EPISODE 13 OF SERIES 3, SOMEONE WAS SEEN PICKING UP THE MASTER'S RING... MAYBE ROSE HAS TO FIGHT THIS PERSON...
A new picture has been leaked of what appears to be Davros and a Dalek, due to appear in this year's finale.
The picture seems new, because the Dalek looks like a new design one. If it is the real deal, it looks like they haven't made that many changes to the evil mind behind the Daleks.
What do you think?
Thanks to for the picture.
UPDATE: I will be updating the site a LOT with brand new pages tomorrow (Wednesday) The reason why I haven't recently is that I've been having a load of exams. Anyway, expect lots more new things including detailed episode plots tomorrow!
OK, so I've added the old issues of VTV onto the Gallery, but I'm definitely not adding it next time because it messes up the order completely. Next time, I'll add them as a post. Anyway, above is the cover for Via The Void issue 3 which will be out on Monday 16th June. It will be better than ever, with a great layout and more new fantastic features.
The features which issue 2 said will be included in issue 3 may not be true, I've changed the plan of issue 3 instead. Here's what it's going to include:
Interview with Robbins, the owner of crazy-doctor-who-08