Filming starts today for Series Five, and the below picture shows what is, presumably, the 11th Doctor's costume! On first thoughts, it seems a bit old-fashioned, but maybe it'll grow on everyone. Beside him is Karen Gillan, who is playing the new companion, Amy Pond.
Also, below is a picture of the TARDIS which looks a little different...
It also seems that Series Four character River Song is returning! Maybe we'll finally get some answers.
i would just like to apoligise to the doctor who team who had any part in this as i'm sure i doubted you before i saw these piccys. the costumes are great spesh matt's edwardian teacher style! however that tardis looks like the crappy one from those two cinema films they did with peter cushing.
i would just like to apoligise to the doctor who team who had any part in this as i'm sure i doubted you before i saw these piccys. the costumes are great spesh matt's edwardian teacher style! however that tardis looks like the crappy one from those two cinema films they did with peter cushing.
it has the logo on the front, then one it used to have when Will Hartnell plays the Doctor.
don't bother hiding them for us spoiler-phobes will you
Looks like a lot of changes, not sure what to think so far haha but I think Karen Gillan is going to be awesome! :)
I'm glad that Alex Kingston is returning - I have a feeling that she might not recognise the Doctor, and this might be their first meeting...
The Bad Wolf TV
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