What do you think of this man as the Doctor? Will he be as good as David Tennant? Is he the right choice for the Doctor? Leave your comments below.

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I doubt he will be as good as David! He doesnt have that something about him, even in his interview! But we shalll seee....
I think he will be good but not as good as Mr Tennant
I'm holding my opinion until we see him act, but I have to say that picture looks very dark. Cool, but dark. Very like Moffat, in my opinion, fits with the way he seems to be taking the show. Thanks for the pic!
I think he wil be brilliant!!! he has the right look and he seems nice enough we shall have to wait and see...
No where near as good as Tennant...
i agree with alia-cat, he seems very dark and mysterious maybe because of the events in the specials, perhaps someone close dies or maybe he relives the time war who knows?
i think he will be good, after seeing clips of his other work he seemed to have something i can see him bringing to the doctors role. plus we cant judge until he first appears, i remember feeling a bit 'ot oh' over tennent when he was announced but i loved him as the doctor, and over the series he got better and better.....so i was proved wrong then, im much more open minded this time.....heres to a new doctor, and a new actor to bring something else about the doctor which we all would be glad to follow =)
PLUS....im looking forward to finding out what the new look will be of the doctor? the new outfit....and how he will play the doctor, eccleston was dark, tennent added comical in ways to that when he took over so what next....im looking forward to finding out =)
He looks promising, but I will really miss David :( Good luck in the future for David and here's to 2010 Matt. :)
Doctor Who Mad Online
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