- What will Doctor 11's personality be like? Crazy? Serious?
- What will he wear?
- Who will his companion be?
- How will Doctor 10 regenerate?
- Where will it happen?
- What will his last words be?
- What will Doctor 11's first words be?
- Is the TARDIS desktop theme/theme tune really changing, like rumours have implied?
Well there you go, think you can answer any?
I'd like the 11th Doctor companion to be Captain Jack.We haven't had him as a companion for a whole series.Officially he's been in 9 Doctor Who episodes.
I don't know who will be the eleventh Doctor's companion, but I would really like Rose to be there when David regenerates and back as a full time assistant as she was absolutely brilliant! Also, Matt has done work with Billie before in three films and television shows, so they would make a great time. Bring Back Billie! :)
I would like Astrid Peth Back we need more info about her ps.Hope they dont chane the tardis Theme
I think that the new Doctor would not suit the current Tardis desktop theme. Possibly, for him, a new darker, more modern one?
if the new doctor is gonna be a bit dark and they are changing the 'desktop theme' then they should bring the roof down a bit to create an effect of claustrophobia.
I really hope hs is a Doctor that is better than the 9th!
I still dont think he will be right for the role =[
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