Other Entries
There were many other entries who sadly didn't quite win, but here's a quick note about each of the websites:
Doctor Who Big Fan - this website has a fantastic layout as well as many brilliant pages to view.
Doctor Who 24 Updated - this website nearly won the Best Layout award - it looks fantastic!
Doctor Who Hideout - another fantastic layout for this website, it really does look amazing!
Doctor Who Madness - this is another great website, full of the latest news and updates.
Tardis Travels - this website came very close to winning an award! It has a great layout and the content is fantastic.
Dr Who Online - I loved the layout for this website, it was another close contender. It also has a great range of content.
Time Shift - this is a great website with plenty of content.
Time Lord Central - a cool Blogger website with plenty of features.
Absolutely Doctor Who Designs - this is a brilliant website with some fantastic graphics!
Into the Vortex - another amazing layout with loads of fantastic content.
Thanks to everyone for entering.
Wow Becky!! Thanks so much for the award!! :D It's really appreciated!!
UDW :)
Hey thanks for the award :D Appreciated !! And an extra ty for the lovely comments about both me and the site :D
Thankyou so much! Wowiee, this will be displayed proudly on my site..."Ianto would be proud" Yay!
Thanks again :D
Thanks Beccala! :-P
Well done everyone who won and will try again next year it looks like
Thanks for the award Becky! :D I'm going to put it on my awards page soon :)
Thanks again :)
Could you provide links for the blogs themselves? I tried clicking them but it just linked to the award images.
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